Trevor Aleo Literacy Lightning – Multimodality


Charlie Kraig and Rick Gilson are joined by Trevor Aleo, author, teacher, podcaster, and doctoral candidate, as we discuss and take a deep dive at times in the conversation, the many ways and means by which students of all grades can develop and demonstrate their literacy.

Trevor shares several titles, research points and resources that can support your professional learning and practice in the classroom to benefit your students.  A classroom teacher primarily working with students in grades 9-12 Trevor is currently working on completing his doctorate working with Dr. Mary Kalantzis and Dr. Bill Cope at the University of Illinois Urbana-Chgampagne.

In addition to sharing several titles, professional and personal reading listed below, we would invite you to check out the resources online at  from Kalantis and Cope. This includes many resources and articles, including support material from their books, Transpositional Grammar and New Learning and more. 

Trevor refers to a few resources and handouts on his website, including three PDFs that cover Non-Verbal, Visual and Audio Concepts in Multimodal Design. Covers of the books referred to in the course of our conversation are listed below.